A cartoon to explain Spin Ice and the dayly work of researchThe project consisted in creating a cartoon to stage two “life-size” research experiments in condensed matter. The first concerns a liquid inserted in a mesoporous matrix, the second a frustrated magnetic compound called “spin ice”. The cartoon is primarily aimed at students (Master’s, Bachelor’s) and scientists in the broadest sense. The goal is to make this public grasp the reality of a manipulation, from A (synthesis) to Z (interpretation), by underlining the importance of collaborations (between chemists and physicists, between labs and large research instruments). The cartoon will be disseminated on the WEB sites of the concerned labs (LLB, ICMMO,…), then in paper version, during conferences, science fairs, courses or TD. It has been realized by Aurélie Bordenave (scientific draftswoman with a state diploma) and Isabelle Mirebeau (DR1 CNRS section 3), in collaboration with scientists of the Paris-Saclay campus.
This comics is an initiative from Isabelle Mirebeau, researcher at LLB and Claudia Decorse senior lecturer at ICMMO. It was realized by Aurelie Bordenave alias Léely, scientific illustrator. It was made possible thanks to the support of CEA, CNRS, ICMMO, Paris-Saclay University and Labex PALM.