The LabEx PALM, initially planned for a period of 8 years, was renewed for a period of 5 years (2020-2024), after evaluation by an international jury, and decision of the ANR which validated its project.
The core activities of the LabEx will remain concentrated on three thematic areas recognized as major scientific challenges. These areas have evolved significantly in terms of content and activities since the creation of the LabEx in 2011, and are essential to foster collaborations and interactions between researchers within the LabEx :
- Quantum matter: from the elementary to the strongly correlated.
- Complex systems: from out-of-equilibrium systems to biological matter.
- Ultrafast dynamics: from radiation sources to multi-scale responses
A fourth topic, named “Emergence, evolution and rapid reaction”, will help to rapidly nurture emerging ideas not yet included within the focus topics.
Finally, two other topics link our LabEx with the academic and industrial ecosystems: “Higher Education” and “Innovation”, the latter shared with the LabEx NanoSaclay.
Our project, with a budget of €8.27 million for 5 years (including 8% management fees) retains the structure that has proven itself and seems particularly suited to our community with its “bottom-up” spirit. It is now up to us to implement our project brilliantly within a framework that is becoming clearer, in accordance with the letter of support from the University of Paris-Saclay attached to the renewal file. The perimeter therefore remains unchanged for the period 2020-2022, it includes the Paris-Saclay 2020 and IPParis laboratories listed on our website. An evaluation will take place in 2022, conducted by IdEx Paris-Saclay, which will set the course for the remaining two years.